This study determined the sleep hygiene level of senior undergraduate nursing students and to improve their sleep hygiene knowledge with an intervention program.
Materials and Methods:
This quasi-experimental study was conducted with 60 fourth-year nursing students who participated in the pre-test and post-test application of the research between January 9 and February 13 2023. Sleep hygiene education created by the researchers was applied to the control group with a traditional PowerPoint lecture and to the intervention group with a social media-supported message. Data were collected using the “student information form” developed by the researchers, the “Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI)”, and the “sleep hygiene index (SHI)”. Percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square test were used in the evaluation of the data, and t-test in dependent groups was used in the evaluation of the dependent variables.
At the end of the pre-test and post-test of the study, an intergroup difference was found between the sleep hygiene of the students (p<0.05). In the in-group evaluations, it was determined that there was a significant decrease in the SHI post-test scores of the experimental group compared with the pre-test scores (t=3.35, p=0.002). In intragroup evaluations; there was a significant decrease in the PSQI scores of the experimental group (z=-3.152, p=0.002).
The study found that both the sleep hygiene and sleep quality of the students were poor. The interventions used were found to be effective in improving sleep hygiene and quality. This research has shown that sleep hygiene, which is often overlooked, can be improved with the right interventions.
Nursing student, reminder messages, sleep hygiene, sleep quality
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